Fall Y’all
So much to see and do! Let’s get to it!
Cherokee County Fair begins Sept 16 and 17th with family fun, food vendors and exhibits! This will be a big gathering of the county so don’t miss it if you’re in town!
Friday Sept 2 there will be a Murphy Main Street Celebration! This is to celebrate Downtown Murphy becoming a North Carolina Main Street Community! This is in coordination with Murphy Art Walk that same evening! Expect to enjoy live music, food, drink and fun! Murphy Art Walk continues the first Friday of the month through Dec 7 2022.
Sept 24 at Vogel State Park just outside of Blairsville GA will be the Mountain Music Day Festival. Music and local crafters will be in attendance as will several food trucks for lunch and dinner! While you’re in that area be sure to stop in at Sunrise Grocery. It’s the oldest general store in Georgia! Lots of fresh produce, soaps, and great photography by the owner, and don’t forget the boiled peanuts!
Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds offers a Acoustic Sunset Series beginning Sept 1 and is every Thursday evening beginning at 6 PM through Oct 6. Venders and food trucks as well as talented musicians will be there.
Union county Ga will have their Mountain Heritage Festival on Sept 3 and 4th. Find more information here: Mountain Heritage Festival
Blue Ridge Blues & BBQ Festival is Saturday Sept 17 beginning at 11AM. This is the 11 annual festival and is a family fun event. Blue Ridge Blues and BBQ has more details. It actually begins on Thursday with a kickoff party and on Friday they have a special train ride planned. Saturday is the main event and is just $10 at the gate. Check out their website!
Brasstown Bald located on Rt 180 in Ga is the highest point in all of Georgia. They have several events coming up like Gazers of the Galaxy that begins at 9PM this Saturday August 27. Star gazing! Sept 10 at 11 is Bats of Georgia. Oct 8 at 12:30 PM is Geology Walk N Talk. Bear Days are on Thursday Oct 13 beginning at 10AM. Mr. Gerald Hodge will share his expertise about our own black bears. This place is for the nature lover in you!
Western Carolina Regional Airport is hosting a Welcome Home Air Show Event! It all begins with a parade beginning in Andrews at 9AM and ending at the airport. Vintage aircraft, classic cars and motorcycles, food trucks, a chili cook-off, live music and more! Skydivers will be jumping! And it’s FREE!
This is just a brief look at what is happening in the area in the weeks to come. More festivals and craft shows are planned and there is also the wonderful hiking as the weather turns a bit cooler. This is a great time to combine some fun while searching for that perfect home or piece of land! Bring the family and enjoy our home town friendliness while you get acquainted with the surrounding area.
Hope to see you here!
